Government data

We have expert knowledge of all key sources of labour market and economic data collected by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), central government departments (e.g. DfE and BEIS) and other providers of official statistics such as the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).
Using this data, we undertake geographical, sector or occupationally focussed studies (i.e. local economic assessments, sector skills audits and workforce development plans), as well as in depth analysis of key social, political, economic or employment related issues – like Diversity and Inclusion, migration and mental health/well-being.
A recent example of how we utilise secondary data to provide insights to our clients is given by our work with Tech Partnership Degrees (TPD) for which we undertook a detailed analysis of HESA qualifiers and destinations data, comparing the outcomes of students taking TPD degrees with other computing courses/areas of study to identify areas of excellence/requiring consideration – TECH INDUSTRY GOLD RESULTS: a comparative analysis
Whilst useful research tools in their own right, we also use these sources to help guide the development/delivery of primary research work – to provide background information, to eliminate areas already covered by existing data and to highlight information gaps. In this way we ensure that research budgets can be targeted precisely and that clients can maximise the outputs and impact from related investments.
Private data and content
We continually search and mine private data sources to augment the information provide by public data providers, notably sources of demand data collected via vacancy trackers (ITJobsWatch, Burning Glass et al) but also regular surveys undertaken by private businesses, trade associations and membership bodies (the CBI, REC, CoC etc).
In a series of reports for e-skills UK / SAS UK and Ireland we utilised on-line vacancy data from ITJobsWatch to great effect to identify the key roles and skills emerging in the field of Big Data Analytics and, by combining this data with ONS estimates and results from a dedicated survey of employers – were able to produce the first robust set of adoption figures and related employment forecasts for the UK – Big Data Analytics Assessment of Demand for Labour and Skills 2013–2020
We also heavy users of data from international providers like the IMF, World Bank, OECD and Eurostat, and this kind of data is often used to identify global employment or economic trends, and to provide comparison data to contextualise observations made upon the UK economy and the related labour market.

Client data

Being experts at data identification, collection, analysis and presentation we are also able to offer bespoke analytical services to our clients, allowing them to realise the true worth of the data they hold, revealing new insights to guide the business or content for marketing and PR purposes.
For many years we provided analysis and reporting services to iProfile/The Skills Market for example – utilising their detailed CV based information to provide quarterly reviews of supply and remuneration within the IT sector.