
We mine existing data sources and undertake visionary research to explore the business and workforce issues facing key sectors of the economy.
For over twenty years we have carried out sector studies on behalf of public/private clients, exploring the key drivers, concerns and workforce issues faced by businesses operating in; IT, Telecoms, Financial Services, Games, Engineering, ‘Creative’, Call Centres, Health Pharmaceuticals and other sectors.
An example is given by our work on behalf of e-skills UK, for which we undertook a comparative study of the Games sector and sector support initiatives in the UK, France, Canada, and the USA using a mixed research approach involving secondary analysis of existing Government data combined with a CATI survey of business leaders.
We collect, collate, synthesise and communicate data and insights on specific careers paths or occupational groups.
To undertake a full workforce assessment we typically look at; academic throughput (entries/ qualifications/ destinations of school pupils and FE/ HE students), workforce characteristics (employed/ self-employed by; occupation/ industry, employment/ contractual status, socio-economic characteristic, qualification levels etc); employer demand (real-time vacancy analysis, incidence of skills shortages/ gaps), business drivers, international comparisons (using OECD/ Eurostat data in particular), and forecast requirements (gross/ replacement demand, workforce numbers and demand figures).


We analyse data and trends for specific countries, regions and smaller areas allowing clients to target actions and budgets with increased accuracy and effectiveness.
As well as analyzing specific business sectors and occupations, we can also report on individual nations, regions, LEP areas, local authorities or other geographical areas – again analysing key socio-economic indicators to help identify area strengths, weaknesses and priorities for action which can be used to guide the development of targeted interactions by public policy makers, or assist firms with market segmentation and targeting of associated campaigns.
We Diversity and Inclusion, pay equality, social mobility, gender representation, mental health and ‘family friendly’ working.
As social inequality and exclusion have become ever more evident within the world we live in, Sagacity Research has increasingly been involved in the delivery of primary/secondary studies looking at related issues such as; Diversity and Inclusion, pay equality, social mobility, gender representation, mental health and ‘family friendly’ working.
We have ‘ghost written’ numerous reports/inserts on societal issues for well-known clients focusing in particular on workforce implications, and within the Film and TV, Finance, Engineering and IT sectors for example.